31 March 2007

Musical bleatings

Musical Bleating - I see that in their submissions to the Parliamentary Select Committee the Record Industry are still bleating. The best quote was "digital downloads of songs were the future of the business and they embraced that change". Embraced - from when? They are saying the future - it is not the future it is the now - except the now was 10 years ago.

The industry should have had a download system in place 10 years ago either online or had the record stores downloading and burning the individual songs people wanted. They have fought tooth and nail against downloading and even today we can't get music downloaded at a store.

The NZ Herald are asking for views and at my last viewing - surprise,surprise - it was still running 99.9% against the industry. And as I understand it they are still against format shifting. The industry is past its use-by-date.

Hurricanes - what can I say - 4 losses in a row and Weepu having to play at five-eighth. At least the Black Caps had a good win.

25 March 2007


After and before - all for Kids with Cancer - and of course with Kipp.

From the musical HAIR
" She asks me why, I'm just a hairy guy.
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright.
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know. "

Happy Birthday Blog

Happy Birthday Blog - it was one year ago today that I first started this Blog and surprise surprise it is still going.
Went and supported Sarah in getting her hair cut off for to raise money for Children with Cancer. She is certainly braver than me - but that is not hard. The good news is that she raised about $500. One guy was having his first haircut in 23 years!! I think he looked a lot better with it off. He raised something like $5,000 - incredible.

24 March 2007

Kipp, hair shaving and Cricket

Kipp first. Some photos from 23 March when Sarah brought him around to our place where Christine took numerous photos. Amazing the change in such a short time.

We will be leaving soon to see Sarah is getting her hair shaved off at Queensgate for Child Cancer.

Cricket - what a tragic outcome. We can only hope that the murder is solved and solved quickly. Meantime am watching Sri Lanka - India and it seems with 7 down India will be on the way out. Probably be riots and several killed just to prove that they are mad. It is only a game - that is, it is not Rugby.

19 March 2007

More Photos

Above - wide awake and alert at home.
Plus a couple taken with us at the Hospital just after his birth.

18 March 2007

Ireland can cricket

Ireland defeats Pakistan - and on St. Patricks Day. What a turnup - but typical of sport that on the day any team can win. But the news gets better. All things being equal - that is the Black Caps don't foul it up and lose to either Kenya or Canada - we will be playing Ireland in the next round.
Pity they didn't win the Six nations as well.

17 March 2007

St. Patricks Day and other matters of little importance

St Patricks Day today and Daylight Savings ends tonight - well at 2 AM Sunday morning. I see that the idea of Daylight Saving came from Benjamin Franklin.

The Cricket World Cup is underway. With England put away and all things being equal - that is we don't falter against the lighter weights - we should top our pool. We shall see. What a great catch by Freddie Flintoff - one of the best of the season.

Should be some interesting Rugby overnight in both Europe and South Africa. We are looking at taking a tour to the Republic later in the year but as I have told "her who must be obeyed" we must be back by September for the Rugby World Cup.

Had a great day yesterday. I was involved in a charity fund raising for our local Hospice and we managed to raise $7000. When the final sponsors money is all in I expect it could even be higher.

The picture is from the Maldives and demonstrates the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean. It is so clear it gives the impression that the boat is floating in mid-air.

03 March 2007

Another song

Just heard this on an old CD I have and liked it so I thought I would upload it. Probably over 40 years old. Just another example of my strange taste.

Gary Mills singing I'll step down - http://www.box.net/public/53jtvxo8sv

Still learning about Blogger and as I had loaded the Carribean song within a folder which strangely was available but Sukiyaki wasn't, decided to delete the Folder and reload the song.

Therefore the link is now http://www.box.net/public/mk1vaki5fh Mitchell Torok singing Carribean.

A GIF and Kiwisaver

Thought I would see how a GIF picture looks so have uploaded the little piece on the left.

It is not really me all of the time - just sometimes when the damn PC has a mind of its own.

Kiwisaver - I see it is about to get underway but of course as is usual with a Government exercise it is a feast or famine. They spend millions on advertising the matter (eg the Maori electoral roll) or, as in the case of the Kiwisaver scheme, nothing is available as yet even though it is to start very soon.

However Mary Holm at the NZ Herald has asked readers to email her any questions people may have about it and she will try to find out the answers. So this I have done.

Rugby - watched the poor old Chiefs just scrape a draw. They look so good at times but just don't seem to have the luck. With them having a draw and the Waratahs - Force draw a real odd weekend so far. Thought Nick Evans was looking good - he is always in my top 30 team.