28 January 2007

The Comet

With all the lousy weather thought we would be lucky to see the comet. This proved correct but we were lucky and saw it on two consecutive nights. It was impressive, particularly on the first night - one of the most fantastic sights of my life. All the neighbours came out as well to have a look. Haven't been able to see it since thanks to the cloud and and now the new moon won't help.

Rugby gets underway next Friday. We have a new TV it will certainly look a lot better - only hope the playing standards match the quality of our new TV. I am happy to have the AB's resting as I like to see new players.

My latest idea for our Parole problems.

If they get say 3 years we also add a suspended time equal to the time they are to serve. We can then set parole terms for a further 3 years after they get out. The important thing is the suspended term must be the same as the are sentenced and run from the end of that term - not the time they actually serve. So in effect a 10 term could be a 20 year term if the go outside the terms of their Parole although they could be released after 7 years.

Criminals - don't worry we will never see happen!!
Another thought is to out-source our 15 year plus criminals to somewhere like Cambodia.

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