24 January 2011

Wet at last

Rain: We had a nice solid drizzle over the weekend. We were lucky as in the north they had flooding (almost Queensland style). It has now turned fine again.

Burnt Body: A woman was killed by being burnt to death near Huntly. My first instinct was that it was an Indian style killing and this has sadly proved correct.

Boys: Had them with us last night, Sunday as it is Wellington Anniversary Day today.
As usual all went well although we couldn't go to the park as it didn't fine up till late this afternoon.

Last week Kipp started riding his bike without the trainer wheels. Sarah phoned us and we went around to watch him show off his new skill.

Ricky Gervais: Has upset the Yanks at his hosting of the Golden Globes as they thought his jokes inappropriate and in bad taste as he got stuck into a few celebrities. It seems most of the celebrities weren't worried and listening to some of the jokes I couldn't see what all the fuss was about.

However in today's paper they printed the reason (never shown on the US originated TV news) from the UK based Sunday Times. It was his ending. After thanking the crowd for coming he said
" and thank you God for making me an atheist".

As the Golden Globes committee said, they had thousands of complaints from their affiliate stations and ' only a Brit would be naive enough to flip off God in a family orientated show on the sabbath'.

I think that pathetic statement speaks for itself.

More USA: Glenn Beck is a host or something on Fox TV in the US. Fox news is part of our Sky TV package and I would think I have watched 5 minutes in total over the past 5 years - that is all any normal human being could stand. It is rubbish. They all have crazy ideas by our standards (questioning Obama's birth place, he is a Socialist etc) .

Beck is one of their most popular people. Below on the left is Jared Lee Loughner who shot the US Congresswoman and on the right is Glen Beck. Separated at birth?.

Name suppression again: A 'celebrity' asked for name suppression for what was a pretty innocuous act when during an argument with his wife in the street he sat on their car bonnet. He asked for name suppression and got it and everybody wondered who it was. Now he has revealed himself who he was but if he had done nothing it would have blown over in 2 days.
With the Internet rightly or wrongly those days have gone.