Arriving at the Playcentre - notice the change of colour in the beard. We used the beard from the Playcentre suit rather than the one from our friends.
Santa for the day: Well I was on the 18 December 2010. Dressed up in the outfit which we borrowed from a friend. The Playcentre had one, but our friends one was better, except for the beard.
I think it went off OK and Kipp didn't recognise me which was good.
We were met by a Policeman and he took me in. Prior to that I hid in the car covered in a blanket so the kids couldn't see me.
Other matters: Obama is a real disappointment. He has just caved in to the Republicans and agreed to extend the tax cuts for the ultra-rich.
This quote about this turnabout is from a member of the Senate, Bernie Sanders, who is the Independent member from Vermont is -
I can live with the President fighting for something and failing; what I can’t stand is a politician who changes his mind for the sake of expediency and then pretends that was what he believed all along.
Saunders is a a real oddity for a US politician.
He calls himself a Democratic Socialist. A Socialist - good grief!!
He is probably to the right of ex Labour (now ACT) Minister of Finance Roger Douglas.
Sanders ran for mayor of Burligton and won thanks to a vote split (isn't First Past the Post great) and then won three more terms. In his last run for mayor, in 1987, he defeated a candidate endorsed by both major parties.
In 1990 in an upset, he became the the first independent member of the House since 1950. Later in 2006 he stood and won a Senate seat.