28 May 2010

What is the real news

News: Generally I think the news overall is pretty poor. I find Radio NZ is about the best of the bunch, with the Newspapers next and TV a distant third. I won't go on about how they mangle the English language - the other night they didn't know the difference between effect and affect. I am no expert but speaking correct English is their job.

Now and again they do rise to the occasion but overall they emphasise the fluff instead of the real story.

Last night on TV 3 was a prime example.

We tend to watch TV3 News as it is usually (marginally) better than TV1, plus they have John Campbell who isn't too bad. He is away at present and they have replaced him with a blonde (what a surprise) piece of fluff.

Last night they had two 'news stories' that were basically rubbish.

First they had a piece on an US magazine saying that mothers should breastfeed in the toilet. Illegal in NZ so what was the story? Would it have been a story if it was in a Somalian magazine saying people should be paid a minimum wage. We have a minimum wage in NZ so there is no story.

Second they then went on about Andy Haden saying the Crusaders Rugby teams manual said they could only have 3 Polynesian players. Denied of course by the Crusaders management and a quick glance at the Crusaders team playing in the semi-final in the Republic last week shows this.

The team, beaten in the semifinals by the Bulls last weekend, included Pacific Islanders Kahn Fotuali'i, Robbie Fruean and Ti'i Paulo, as well as players with Maori ancestry - Dan Carter, Sean Maitland, Zac Guildford, Thomas Waldrom, Tim Bateman and Daniel Bowden.

Two other prominent Maori players - Corey Flynn and Isaac Ross - were unavailable through injury. So out of 15 players plus 7 reserves they could have put up to had 11 (40%) Polynesians on the field.

So - no story. Just rubbish.

But the real story was within the main news; an item about a guy who hadn't warranted or registered his truck and trailer for 20 months, didn't have a proper license (in fact he borrowed a friends) and when he had an accident (the trailer came adrift due to a crack in the link to the truck) he killed a pedestrian.

But he wasn't charged with causing her death!!! Plus they said a child blinded in one eye due to the accident wasn't eligible for ACC. I can't believe this is correct.

What the hell. Here is a story. What is going on. But as usual the easy stuff wins. Pathetic.

Quiz: Came 4th but the real story was the Club Newsletter. Each week he puts in the categories for the next week. This week we read it and saw in full in all its uncensored glory the first category for next week was - Famous F**ken Faces.


Sarah told the front desk who at the start weren't that interested. But we saw that when the quizmaster arrived he was called into the office and later they came round and collected them all for destruction. Today we had our usual Friday lunch at the Club and we saw that they had produced a new amended Newsletter. At the end of the evening he mentioned it, saying he sent it through like that expecting they would proof read it. But of course they just copy and paste. Thick.

The Newsletter needs some oversight as a couple of weeks ago they had a racist joke.