11 January 2010

I'm back

Computer: Have had problems with the Desktop and haven't been on line, except through the Laptiop, for a few days. Dust again it would seem is the culprit, causing overheating. However, took the opportunity to get my Guru to put in the new Telecom modem that I failed to get going last time. But looking at it, the Modem seems different and it doesn't have the CD that caused problems last time.

So it is now faster???

The online speed tests say the Download speed is - and it isn't - depending on who you believe.
It certainly doesn't seem so.

Last October on the Desktop it was
Speedtest.net Download 2.6,Upload 0.12.
Consumer NZ Down 4.27 Up 0.13
Why the great difference defeats me. Does the Consumer NZ test only refer to NZ?

However today with the new modem installed
Speedtest.net Down 1.08 Up .038
Consumer NZ Down 10.67 Up 0.55

So what is the truth - who knows.

Anyway the main thing is that the Desktop is back - and so am I.