15 November 2009

Hone's Holiday

Hone: He has been all over the news since it was revealed he took off from an official trip to Europe to do a side jaunt, at our expense, to see some 'whitemans culture' in Paris - which, if the quotes from the news are to be believed he and his wife seemed to enjoy. So it would seem some 'whitemans culture' isn't too bad.

Some might think so what - it is probably the attitude of many of his constituents. As for me; well you might well believe that I think that, but I certainly couldn't comment!!!

Bugger work and carrying out what I am being paid to do - I will just take off and do what I want to do. Thanks Hone. This is the second time he has done this, as he did the same thing when in Australia, but at least then he visited a group of Aborigines to discuss race relations which he does have an interest in.

When caught he first releases an abusive email (bad language and the 'whitemans' fault) then offers a half-hearted apology suggesting that the Opposition Leader should be shot!! He is a man of the grievance industry and like mother like son.

Personally his tirade and the abusive language doesn't bother me, as it shows him for what he is and I am a firm believer in free speech - even so called 'hate speech' .

Hide: Meantime Rodney Hide, who at least did nothing outside the rules by taking his partner to Europe on a Parliamentary trip, aplogised and paid the money back. This may enable him to retain his reputation as a 'perkbuster'.

Guy Fawkes and Halloween: I think Guido, who is the only guy who knew anything about politics, has had its day on a private level. Public displays will, over time, become the norm. As for Halloween; it is probably a lesser evil. I learnt the other day that the trick part of Trick and Treat means that the householder is supposed to carry out the trick.

Sport: Soccer - the All Whites are on there way to the soccer World Cup. I still have problems that a team ranked 83rd (after going up 17 places recently) can be there. It is difficult to understand.
Rugby: The AB's struggled against Italy and it was another bad game.