06 June 2009

D - Day 6th of June

D- Day
The D in D-Day stood I read for Destination Day. Maybe it should have been Destiny.
Sixty five years ago and still wars go on.

Richard Karam, David Bain and the indefatigable Joe Karam.

The trial of the Century - so far. David Bain was found Not Guilty yesterday. By chance I decided to turn on the 4.30 news on TV One where they said the jury was about to return and that they would be crossing to the Courtroom. As it happened they arrived just as the verdict was being read out and as soon as I heard they had found him Not Guilty on the first charge then of course the rest were just a formality.

Did he do it and if not was it his father. Well only David knows. I thought he did do it but what was his motive? He had no reason. If it was to hide all the family problems then he must of known that they would come out at a murder trial. So only Robin Bain had motive because of his relatioship with her father.

Anyway it is all over now at a cost of at least $4 million. One person who must be admired is Joe Karam. The man never gives in.

Joke. The British are now going to have Muslim weather. It is either going to be Sunni or Shi'ite.

20/20. Andrew Symonds. Sent home from the 20-20 - just normal transmission for him. And Netherlands beating England in the first game just shows that anything can happen on the day but more so in a hit and miss short game like this.