16 March 2009

Net, Nuts and NATO

Net. The above cartoon sums up the Net situation as the NZ politicians want it (at present). Just click it to read it properly. Basically it shows how the industry have always opposed innovation and change which every time has increased their profits. How much does Hollywood make from Videos and DVD's?? As I understand it they opposed the Pianola.

Nuts - looking around for higher interest rates I can't understand how with the Government Guarantee why some companies are paying a lot lower than others. Well I can understand it - they are of course making safer loans and when the Guarantee goes (if it does) then the higher rate companies will have problems. On way of assisting the better firms would be the Government not guaranteeing the interest payments.

We - the taxpayer - have already had to pay out once and for a company that should never have been approved.

NATO - France have rejoined. There is a story about a conversation between General de Gaulle as President of the French Republic, telephoned Pesident Lyndon B Johnson, to inform him that France had decided to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty alliance.

Since its foundation nearly two decades earlier, Nato had had its headquarters in France. Now Nato would have to move.

Furthermore, de Gaulle added, it was his intention that all American service personnel should be removed from French soil.

"Does that include," Johnson is said to have replied, "those buried in it?"

Probably not true as it has been said many times in a similar vein as Colin (or is that Co-Lin) Powell when asked about US intentions to colonise Iraq said they will only leave the same troops behind as they did in Europe, those in graves.