11 February 2009

Hot and not so hot.

Hot - Australia. We have had a long hot spell of weather ourselves but the Australians have had a tragedy with close to 200 dead and still rising as the forest fires rage across Victoria. Meantime in Europe blizzard conditions with some of the worst winter weather for many years.

It is claimed that many of the Oz fires are due to arson. We will have to see, but I read that if so and if caught, they will be charged with murder. Good.

On the crime front the Government are changing the law to be able to take DNA from people charged with an imprisonable offense. If passed, this would enable the Police to search their DNA Database to see if they can find a match for somebody presumed to have broken the law. At present they cannot do so until they are convicted. So if they are found 'Not Guilty' of that particular crime they will not be found out if they left their DNA at the scene of a different crime. If the person is found not guilty or the charge doesn't proceed then the DNA is destroyed.

As usual I have no problem. As usual the Greens headed by Keith Locke do. On the Dom-Post site a poll shows 83% in favour. Why these people like the Greens favour the criminals is beyond most people.

My concern is that they correctly match the DNA.

Last Sunday we watched the David Dougherty TV drama of his wrongful conviction of the rape of an 11 year old girl. A conviction, due it would seem, to not giving all the evidence to the Jury (the girls family seeming to have some sort of grudge against Dogherty, who, it must be acknowledged was no angel) and with the DNA being read wrong as well as the CRown being bloody minded.

The film almost gave an impression that the DNA reading was done with some sort of agenda being followed but the QC who investigated the procedures thought it was an honest error.

Later after another two rapes the real culprit was caught.

Quiz - we attended a quiz raising funds for cancer. Came second to last. Then again you could buy answers which we didn't.

One good question was 'name the rock group who are all dead with one of them being assasinated?'

The answer was 'Mount Rushmore' which is of course where the four US Presidents have their faces carved. Clever.