10 November 2008

Its Over - thank heaven

It's all over. A real win to John Key and it would seem no real coalition problems with Act and Unted Future tagging along and maybe the Maori Party.

What surprises are hiding - especially within the economic outlook. Also I wonder (or rather I hope) if they will backtrack on their plan to take away the tax relief for research.

On the internet front I can only hope that Maurice Williamson is given the axe. Clark and Cullen going so quickly was a surprise. I think they have both done a good job but time in the job was getting against them - the electorate gets bored and the politicians start making mistakes.

NZ First gone - although the system that an elected MPP brings in their Party Vote if under the 5% needs looking at. I have never favoured that. Even though 5% is considered high I would leave it at that level.

Most people liked the Greens bilboards but I liked the Maori Party one that was in Taita that had all their MP's dressed in suits and ties and looking very upmarket. It gave an excellent impression.

In our local electorate National's Paul Quinn stood against Trevor Mallrd - which produced this billboard. Paul lost.
Back to more important things - The All Blacks did Scotland relatively easily although the Scots did have their moments and look quite good but just lacked finishing.
Found another music site that enabled me to get another song - by Ferlin Husky ?? - that I never thought I would hear again.