14 August 2008

Sounding Off

I still have a 'dickey' shoulder after about 3 trips to the Physio so she sent me off for an ultrasound scan.

The good news is I am not pregnant (!!!) but I do have a tear in the tendon of my right shoulder. I have all the photographic stuff and have to take it into the physio tomorrow.

The picture is not my shoulder. Rather it is an ultrasound Internet picture of an tendon in the shoulder. To me, my ones look just about the same - a black swirling blob.

And more from the Net - Ultrasound imaging uses waves and their reflected echoes to characterize and/or study internal structures and tissues. Because of its safety and accuracy, it has proven useful in diagnosing a multitude of injuries and areas including bone, soft tissues, muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Most of us will think of fetal ultrasound. Not only can a diagnosis be made, but those movements causing or leading up to a particular injury can also be diagnosed. Ultrasound imaging can also distinguish between degrees of injury.

One thing I must say is that the ACC system, for all its faults, at least encourages you to get better. I am sure if many accidents weren't covered by ACC, people would be inclined to just hope any injury just gets better, which may end up costing the health system (ie The Taxpayer) even more later on.

On the health theme- Christine, Kipp and Sarah have all been sick. Then both Joe and Angela got it. Sarah's midwife said there is a 24-48 hour bug about but so far I have been lucky.

The Olympics are on in the background and a Chinese swimmer has just improved her time 10 seconds to win Gold. The incomparable Phelps improved 3 seconds in 4 years!!!
What am I saying? - it is possible - but!! Our rowers didn't impress but we will see. As for Rugby - Mr Henry is starting the same team for the first time this year - and about time.

Criticism of TV1 with the Russian - Georgian war underway and they lead with the Olympics. I would think that if TV3 had the Olympics they would do the same. And in the US they lead with Senator Edwards having an affair instead of the war.

As for the war, it would seem that as per usual there are no good guys and it is a very complex situation with probably both sides at faullt. But most independent views seem to slightly support the Russian view albiet not their methods. However, most American reports seem to be biased towards Georgia. We can only hope that calm heads prevail and and Mr Bush doesn't go off the deep end.

I haven't mentioned the weather - who would want to. If we have one really great day we then have 2/3 really bad ones.