24 July 2008

Dad's Birthday

24 July 1941
The Birthday Boy - Meeee!!!

Yes 67 today. Going out tonight, but just another day to me. Sarah's student from Germany has arrived and her English is really great. She impresses as very level headed. We took her to the Quiz evening last night and we came 4th again. Just seem to miss out but an improvement on last week.

Just been down to see Christine's brother in hospital after his operation and he looks quite good.

Big weekend with Henry V Deans and on the sporting front I couldn't believe Ricky Stuart in Australia bemoaning the fact that the League players are going to Rugby. He was complaining that they are only going for the money. Excuse me - when Rugby was amateur they were happy to take its players for nearly 100 years and when the boots on the other foot they complain. Also when Ricky and his mates left Rugby did they go for love or $$$$$.

Interest rate cut but inflation is a really worry as heading towards the 5% mark. On the political front Winston seems to be in trouble now with other claims that NZ First took other money that was hidden. We are still to see the facts and if it was in fact illegal at that time.