21 June 2008

21 Years ago

21 years ago - well yesterday the 20th June 1987 actually. We won the World Cup.
And since then - nothing, zilch, less than one.!! Well it must happen again - maybe at home in 2011.

Meantime England tonight. They will be better, I assume, and we have mucked about with our team - rotation ?? Who knows.
As for England, with a the rape allegations being investigated, although there is no complainant seems odd, it must be frustrating.

As for the cricket. Called off one over short due to rain when they wasted 30 minutes having lunch when that had already had a meal as the game started after lunch was a farce. The ICC have now changed the rules, but a bit late for us.

On the home front it is murders as usual - although they will probably be charged with manslaughter. Good news is that all bar one have had arrests. Michael Laws on his radio show said we have between 40 -60 murders a year with the peak being a few years ago at 68.

Power saving is supposed to be going on but looking around the Valley yesterday there was not much sign of that and TV3 showed what few steps have been taken by the business world with lights on and advertising all ablaze. Government Departments seemed to be doing their best.

Here is Kipp with me at the park by the library. That day a woman had two dogs and when Sarah mentioned they were not allowed in a children's p
ark she got all upset. Seemed to think Sarah was anti-dog; with 3 of her own!! The woman just doesn't realise how they can still be dangerous and that is why the by-law is in place. Several years ago I did the Census and we had to attend a training session on dogs where they were explained as "the wolf in your kitchen"

A Plane!!!