Went into Wellington today for our second lot of jabs for the South America trip. As we were walking along Lambton Quay we saw Kipps Cafe. Christine took a phone picture and will probably put it up in a day or two when I get it sent to me. Had our jabs and return for the last lot in a couple of weeks.
Went to the usual Quiz but were awful, coming about 9th out of 13 - although we didn't have Joe Brainbox with us. The problem was our bonus round where we scored only about 4 while in Science, where I thought we would be terrible, we got an 8. One question was, which is the smallest - Chile (our answer - WRONG), Equador (CORRECT) or Columbia. We should have known as we have been looking at the map ready for the trip. Before this I would have guessed Columbia.
Another Kapiti Island photo taken by a friend - It didn't bite!
Music - I have been looking for a song by Dave Burgess for some years now and managed to get it the other day. It came out around 1957 - only 51 years ago so impossible to get in NZ.