09 March 2008

Weekend and a kip

Kipp outside our back door in the sunshine.

The weekend was going to be different with a trip to Kapiti Island planned. However, it wasn't to be when we got a phone call at 7 AM to advise the weather was not good enough and it had to be cancelled. I suppose the upside was that I still hadn't recovered fully from the 'bug' and had the opportunity to go back to get some sleep - that is to get some extra kip. The problem now is that the trips are so heavily booked it will be next May before we can go again - and again it is so weather dependent we could miss out again.

Another upside was I could have another bit of a kip and watch the NZ - England cricket and celebrate a good win. One of my pet hates is the commentators saying 'that was a great cricket shot' - well it wasn't a softball or polo shot - what else could it be if you are playing cricket? If it is a straight out slog and a baseball type shot then just say so.

Now onto the Kipp again - not kip. Haven't posted some photos for a while so here we go again.

One thing he does like is our letter box.