17 January 2008


That is not three lines (III) in the Title above but rather the word ill.

A virus - not the computer sort, but the human
affecting type, has struck. I have been sick with what seemed to be food poisoning like symptoms. As my daughter and her husband were also sick with the same symptoms Christine thought the link was the BBQ. However, talking about it, and discovering that others who had gone to the BBQ were alright put us onto a different hypothesis. Sarah found that several people who had attended a children's party that she went to were ill plus a friend has told us the virus is so widespread that it was being mentioned on talkback radio. So we now think she picked it up at the birthday party. Interestingly Kipp has been OK and she said none of the breast fed babies had been ill.

Not a great listener to talkback, although I think generally as an outlet of expression it is a good for democracy. The problem is that the few times I have listened the quality of expression leaves a lot to be desired both on behalf of the callers and the hosts. We cannot receive Radio Live at our house but I can hear it when I am in the car and sometimes I listen for a short time to Michael Laws, who I find is reasonably sensible about 80% of the time - probably the other 20% is stirring!!

Talking about common sense; I think the only politician I have ever heard over the past few years who has always talked sensibly is Ron Mark. The problem is that even people like Pita Sharples will say something that is logical, then the next minute will say something absolutely stupid - in my sensible opinion.

As for the United Nations questioning us about the raids in the Ureweras. If I was the PM I would write back and explain we are a democracy and, unlike 99% of the members of the UN, we do not give the Police instructions - they are independent and the UN should write to the Commissioner.

I would think the explanation would be beyond their understanding.