03 November 2011

7 Billion

Now 7 billion of us. A website purports to say what number I was -

02 November 2011

Some changes

Changes: Got the stocking which has made a difference. It goes from thigh to foot and is a bugger to get on but she gets there. Good news (!!) is that he said I will probably have to wear it for the rest of my life.

Funny as the leg improved the pain went back to the lung area so we have upped my painkillers.

Still get tired and I am doing nothing.

Election: In my view all the running (policy wise) is Labour and the Greens.

Increasing the Pension age (10 years behind Oz),
compulsory Kiwisaver (25 years or so behind Oz) and today compulsory Quake insurance. I am waiting for the cries of Nanny State. How John Key can say we can afford the current retirement age when it costs about $8 Billion and over the next 20-30 years will go to $75 Billion is again letting politics get in the way of common sense.

They rated the leaders debate and had a category of charm !!!! Beyond me.

MMP: Came into a Radio NZ debate about half way through and Ruth Richardson was on defending FPP. She doesn't seem to understand how democracy works - or more likely she does but FPP favours her Party.

Google and Blogger: I use Google's Reader and it has a section called Notes which I also use. Today they gave the usual 'better and improved' (translated WORSE) message. The Notes section has been deleted without warning. Lots of comment on the Net but as usual They couldn't care less - you've lost all your information.

Somebody has found a way to find them but it seems you can't really export the messages.
Who makes these dopey decisions.